Life Preserver Ring

A life preserver ring for your pool is something that every pool owner should consider for providing added security and safety for both adults and children during swimming.  You never know when you might need a life saving device in the case of an emergency that might be the difference in preventing a child from drowning or sustaining serious injury.  

life preserver ring

Accidental drownings can often be prevented by adding several layers of security that include perimeter fencing, alarms and adult supervision.  If you would like more information on the layered approach to pool safety please visit our informative page on with information and product suggestions when considering adding pool safety equipment to your pool.  

Even with keen safety measures in place swimmers can find themselves in need of help no matter what the swimming skills or age.  A life ring adjacent to your pool is an affordable way to add safety and peace of mind for unexpected accidents that occur when we are least expecting them.

Whether your pool is used by children or adults you can never be over prepared for an emergency in the pool.  As parents or supervisory adults drowning is something that most pool owners don't want to think about but it can occur and it's important to be prepared in as many ways possible. 

Life Preserver Ring and Other Options

A life preserver ring is a last resort device that is used to assist a swimmer that is at risk of drowning. It can be useful for swimmers of all ages and abilities. There are child and adults sizes available so it's a good idea to ensure your ring is adequate for both in your pool setting. 

Adult supervision is always necessary when children are using your pool and it's also a good idea to use the buddy system even when adults are swimming. Accidents are often unexpected and when you need assistance it's always recommended to have another swimmer present or nearby. 

Other options that you might consider to add security and safety to your pool are:

  • pool safety hook
  • floating rope
  • pole for assistance
  • whistle or alarm 
  • life vest or other floatation devices

When adult supervision is not present there are numerous layers of safety that can be incorporated for your pool or spa area. Since you can't always be present at your pool 24/7 it's imperative to use as many devices as possible to prevent children from accessing your swimming pool.

There are many options other than a life preserver ring that will increase the safety of your pool that include:

  • perimeter child safety fencing
  • door and gate alarms
  • surveillance cameras
  • security lighting
  • immersion alarms
  • safety covers
  • pool signs

When children and adults are using the pool there should always be supervision and there is no substitute. It's a good idea to educate yourself on pool safety and what to do in the case of an emergency. A life preserve ring is the last line of defence and should be used in emergencies when necessary. If you take time to educate yourself you can ensure many years of safe use and enjoyment of your pool. 


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